Many consumers make the mistake of purchasing more or less car insurance than they need. Your goal should be to insure against your actual possible loss, rather than for the lowest possible quote or some grand-sounding figure. This will take some homework, but it’s the right thing to do.
The best insurance company for your needs may not be the one with the most television commercials… but it should be financially stable and with a good reputation for customer service and paying its claims without hassle. Go online and investigate any company you may consider using.
Many websites, including, will work to get you a quote from the best possible provider for your auto insurance needs. No matter what type of vehicle you’d like to insure, they can help you get a fast and relevant quote that could save you a substantial amount of money.
Good to Go Insurance works with insurance companies all over the country to make sure you get the best possible insurance for your needs! Save on all of your auto insurance needs – auto, life, home, and more – by getting free car insurance quotes. Save big with a fast and low-cost quote!
Some ways to find low-cost auto insurance
Keep A High Credit Score
More and more these days, insurers use your credit score to determine risk factors before making an insurance quote. So, check your credit rating to make sure nothing is amiss. Other tactics to keep your credit score high include paying bills on time, closing credit card accounts that you are not using, and keeping your credit balances as low as possible. Credit scores can take several months to adjust to new situations, so don’t expect an immediate benefit.
Pay The Entire Policy In One Lump Sum
Many insurance providers try to maximize profits from their users by cutting the payments into monthly fees. You can usually get auto insurance no down payment, but then insurers add in finance charges on top of the actual policy cost. People who plan ahead can avoid these nuisance fees by purchasing the entire policy upfront.
Ask for a Higher Auto Insurance Deductible
Deductibles represent the amount of money you pay out-of-pocket once you make a claim before your insurance company’s policy takes effect. By requesting higher deductibles on collision and comprehensive coverage, you can substantially lower your costs. For example, increasing your deductible from $200 to $500 could reduce costs by 15% to 30%. If you ask for a higher deductible, you may be able to cut your costs by up to 40%…but keep in mind that you may have to spend a lot more in the event of a claim.
Drop Collision & Comprehensive on Older Cars
If your vehicle is worth less than $2,000, it may not be cost-effective to have collision or comprehensive coverage. That’s because any claim you make wouldn’t substantially exceed annual cost and deductible amounts. Auto dealers and banks can tell you the worth of your car.
Buy a “low profile” car
Before you buy a new or used car, check into insurance costs. Vehicles that are expensive to repair or that are a favorite target for thieves have much higher insurance costs. (The Highway Loss Data Chart is available through the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS)).
Consider Insurance Cost When Making a Move
Costs tend to be lowest in rural communities and highest in cities with more traffic congestion.
Get To Know Every Discount You Qualify For
No matter what form of insurance you are buying, discounts exist for customers that carry less risk to the insurance company. Make sure you ask for all possible discounts before accepting a quote. The squeaky wheel gets the grease!
Take Advantage of Low Mileage Discounts
Some companies offer discounts to motorists who drive fewer than a predetermined number of miles a year.
Find Out About Safety Feature Discounts
You may be able to take advantage of discounts on some coverages if you have automatic seatbelts, airbags, or anti-lock brakes.
Inquire About Other Discounts
Some insurers offer discounts for carrying more than one policy (home, auto, multiple cars), no accidents in three years, drivers over 50 years of age, driver training courses, anti-theft devices, and good grades.
Shop Around
Prices for the same coverage can vary by hundreds of dollars from company to company, so it pays to shop around. Ask friends, surf the net or call your state insurance department for ideas. You should get at least three different price quotes to find very cheap car insurance with low deposit. But, don’t shop for price alone. The insurer should offer fair prices and excellent service. You should ask a number of insurers about what they offer and what they would do to lower your costs. For example, do they provide 24-hour claim service?
Thanks for your time and consideration. Make sure to fill out an application for a free quote online so that you can get a fast quote with Good to Go Insurance.