At some point, you must have wondered what would happen to your car insurance coverage if someone else drove your car and it was involved in a wreck and got damaged. The majority of people are confused about this. Nonetheless, you will be protected in the event of an accident following the terms and conditions stated in the auto insurance policy. In the event of a collision involving your car, car insurance protects you, your car, and any third-party claims. In case you are a victim of a car accident but the insurance company is trying to avoid paying you, reach out to Fort Wayne car accident lawyers for help.
Who Is Liable To Pay For Damages?
In many circumstances, the state-mandated minimum liability auto insurance will not be sufficient to cover the costs incurred as a result of the injuries and damages sustained by other motorists and passengers, putting the at-fault driver at a lot of expenses. The at-fault motorist will also be responsible for any of their injuries and damages because the insurance provider will not pay for those costs under the minimum liability. Because Indiana is an at-fault state, the driver who caused the collision will be liable for the expenses related to the harm and losses sustained by other motorists and passengers.
What Is Permissive Use?
As a general guideline, your insurer will cover practically all drivers who operate your vehicle, even though auto insurance plans can differ from insurer to insurer. So, as “permissive use” usually applies in these situations, you can lend your car to relatives or close friends. By “permissive use,” we mean that if you permit others to operate your automobile, your auto insurance will insure them. But, such people won’t be protected while operating your vehicle if they are specifically included in the “excluded drivers” section of your auto insurance. It can be difficult to determine who your auto insurance will cover to operate your car.
Final Thoughts:
You can get more details about the coverage under your auto policy by contacting your auto insurance provider online or at their customer service number. Consequently, it would be a good idea to examine the status of the person’s driver’s license and your terms and conditions concerning your auto insurance coverage before you consider lending them your automobile since insurance companies often try to find loopholes to avoid paying. If you need the help of a lawyer, reach out to one today.