It’s a challenge to start a new business and one that many people only ever think about and never actually action. So, if you have launched a business or you have definite plans to do so congratulations; that’s a great first step. However, once you have launched, the hard work really begins, and you will need to think carefully about every move you make to ensure that you don’t harm the business in any way and only ever grow it – within reason, of course.
With that in mind, it’s crucial to be aware of how to handle the money within your business. No matter what else is happening, no matter how much you’re selling or what you’re buying, if you aren’t keeping tabs on the money, you could run into huge problems. Read on to find out what the best things you can do for your business in terms of its finances really are.
Create a Budget
There are hidden costs that come with running a business, and often these don’t make themselves known until well into the process. It’s your job as a business owner to discover these costs and budget for them as well as you can. This is why a proper business budget that you can amend, review, and use to ensure you’re not making any big financial mistakes is so important.
Start by adding all the major expenses that cannot be reduced, such as rent, vehicle costs, and payroll. Once you’ve done that, you can dig deeper – have you included fuel costs, for example? What about electricity? What about sick pay and benefits? As you can see, there is a lot you might have to account for. Only when you’ve added everything to your budget will you see what’s left over, and you’ll know whether you can buy that air dryer you need from or whether you’ll have to wait another month.
Get Professional Advice
As a new entrepreneur, you’ll be excited about the business and what lies ahead of you. You’ll want to push forward and put plans into place. The problem is that this can cost a lot of money, and it might be money you simply can’t afford right at the start. This will mean you have to curtail your plans, and that can, in some cases, lead to a loss of momentum and perhaps even a concern that you make a mistake, and you don’t want to run the business anymore.
This is clearly the last thing you’ll want, but it can definitely happen, and one way to combat the issue is to speak to professionals about what you should be doing. Finding a business mentor is an excellent idea, and it will ensure you are given all the correct advice. You might still want to push ahead, but because you’ll have someone to help you, you won’t rush and make any mistakes.
Keep Your Business and Personal Finances Separate
It happens a lot; someone ‘accidentally’ starts a business (in other words, they had a small side hustle that took off or that they decided to try to grow), and because they were using their personal bank account to fund it and receive money initially, they never actually got a business one.
This is disastrous when it comes to your business finances. If every penny is going into one account, that means you can easily spend it on personal things and not on business needs either because you know the money is there or because you didn’t realize what you were doing. If you have two separate accounts right from the start, this mix-up will never happen, and you’ll always have the funds you need within the business.