In 2018, WhatsApp announced that it would be opening up its popular WhatsApp Business API to more developers. As a result, 2019 is expected to be a year of rapid development for WhatsApp Business. Let’s have a look at what kind of transformation we have witnessed in the way businesses connect with their customers.
The API is designed for medium and big organizations and allows them to effortlessly communicate with users on the messaging app. But what does the API have to offer, and who stands to gain the most from it? If you’re wondering why the WhatsApp API Generator is so important—after all, it’s not yet available to everyone—keep reading to see how the API is going to alter everything.
WhatsApp Messaging API Features
The WhatsApp business integration API has several beneficial features that make it easier for businesses to communicate with their consumers than ever before. The revised API, which is designed for medium and large organizations, enables direct one-on-one engagement with customers.
Finally, the extended WhatsApp business integration API will make it easier for worldwide brands to communicate with users through WhatsApp. With over 1.5 billion monthly active users, WhatsApp is the world’s most popular messaging platform, surpassing Facebook Messenger. While Messenger is the most popular platform in some countries, such as the United States and Australia, WhatsApp is the most popular in others, including Brazil.
5 Reasons To Use WhatsApp Messaging API
Appointment reminders, shipping alerts, order notifications, product demonstration videos, verification codes, boarding tickets, and two-way customer surveys and support messages can all be sent via WhatsApp. It’s more immediate, more intimate, and has a global reach. It’s also protected by the same end-to-end encryption that made WhatsApp so popular. WhatsApp messaging, if used appropriately, can take your business communications to a whole new level of engagement: private, real-time B2C discussions delivered on the world’s most popular messaging app.
There’s also a rising trend toward using business messaging for “conversational commerce”: allowing sales and support teams to respond to product or customer service concerns with rich, relevant messages that would, in turn, promote a new transaction or keep an existing client happy.
Including WhatsApp Business in your messaging strategy can be a game-changer—and a must-have tool for staying competitive. We’ve developed a list of five reasons why you should use WhatsApp Business to communicate with your customers.
Curating a superior brand experience for customers
For most firms, building strong brand relationships with customers is the holy grail. And WhatsApp delivers on that promise by allowing businesses to speak one-on-one with their customers in a secure, private setting. Companies may create ‘Business Profiles,’ which are one-of-a-kind, fully-branded business identities, using WhatsApp.
This allows you to include details such as email and phone numbers, social media links, store addresses, website URLs, and relevant business information or offers. What’s more, your WhatsApp Business profile allows you to integrate your brand personality into every client encounter.
Because Business profiles are required, your WhatsApp branded business identity serves as a recognizable face that greets users when they message you, building their trust in you and devotion to your company. Because WhatsApp allows for multimedia communications (pictures, documents, videos, slide shares, and more), marketers can be more creative with their discussions. You may inject your brand concept in innovative new ways to establish even more engaging consumer interactions by going beyond a basic SMS or email.
Connecting with customers where they are
When was the last time your phone rang at work or home? Or when was the last time you replied to a direct mail piece? These and other traditional communication channels, as well as more contemporary digital ones like SMS and email, are no longer sufficient to meet customer demand. They’re being phased out in favor of more user-friendly omnichannel alternatives. Successful businesses recognize that to provide excellent client experiences, they must go where the fish are and use the channels that their consumers prefer.
Whatso is one of the many forward-thinking businesses that has already used WhatsApp Business. They recognize the importance of allowing their clients to search and book hotel rooms through a variety of messaging channels, and they have just expanded their service to include WhatsApp. Whatso move to WhatsApp has helped the company to expand globally, allowing clients to contact the company via any messaging service they want.
Engaging Globally
If your user base is international, or if your consumer travels internationally, be aware that WhatsApp is the most popular messaging app in 104 countries as of early 2018. It also has the greatest smartphone penetration rates, with some countries having rates as high as 95%. WhatsApp has become the most popular program for personal and commercial conversations in less than a decade since it is free for users.
Except for China, which prefers WeChat for business interactions, the app’s popularity is unsurpassed across Latin America, Europe, Africa, and Asia. The increased use of messaging applications as a preferred channel for commercial transactions has intensified in these regions as smartphone penetration has increased.
Two-sided conversations
WhatsApp not only acts as a wonderful channel for notifications like delivery alerts, transaction confirmations, and customer service, but it also offers a more direct way to engage with consumers and has two-way conversations that would traditionally take place in a physical store or over the phone.
Apps are increasingly being used to investigate products and services, obtain reviews and consultations, complete a transaction, raise a complaint, or plan (or reschedule) a service call—all without having to contact, email, or even visit a brand’s website. These types of discussions are now taking place on messaging apps.
Private and secure messaging
It’s a never-ending battle to stay on top of continuing in-country legislation and compliance challenges. WhatsApp’s end-to-end encryption and rigorous attention to subscriber privacy are two of its most important features. Customers desire a familiar but secure way to interact with businesses they want to engage with, which is evident to WhatsApp users.
WhatsApp also protects businesses, as the necessity for enterprises to be compliant and secure is a constant balancing act. You may also rest assured that the folks you’re talking with are who they say they are thanks to the app’s built-in two-factor authentication (2FA).
The Bottomline
If you’re ready to get started, Whatso is the quickest and most convenient way to set up your WhatsApp messaging app. Because WhatsApp is now limiting the number of new apps that can go live, we recommend starting with the Whatso Sandbox for WhatsApp to build and test your apps using our simple API.